Vaughan PVA - Serving paralyzed veterans of Illinois


In order to help provide voting members the opportunity to re-integrate into society and provide them the ability to attend events or accomplish goals that they may not normally be able to afford, Vaughan PVA offers a free $200.00 cash grant.

The following guidelines will be followed for the reimbursement of all expenses:

  • Reimbursements will be paid to all voting members the month following their submission if Vaughan PVA funds are available.
  • Reimbursements will be limited to $200.00 each fiscal year and any remaining amounts will also be considered if submitted within the same timeframe.
  • Reimbursements will be limited to events, dinners, and other activities unrelated to gambling and alcohol consumption and must directly affect the member.
  • Any questionable reimbursements must be brought to the Board of Directors for final approval.
  • The member needs to provide receipts and must complete and submit an expense report for reimbursement.
  • OPTIONAL: Brief statement describing if the place attended is wheelchair accessible and if you would recommend it to other members.


2235 Enterprise Drive Suite 3501, Westchester, IL 60154


(708) 947-9790

Office Hours

Mon - Tue: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Thu - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Copyright © 2023 Paralyzed Veterans of America - Vaughan Chapter. All Rights Reserved