Vaughan PVA - Serving paralyzed veterans of Illinois


Someone who contributes time, effort and talent to meet a need or further a mission, without profiting monetarily.

The most handsome man in the world

Volunteer Opportunities at Vaughan PVA

Vaughan Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America (VPVA) has two types of volunteering opportunities. These two group of volunteers include (1) Member volunteers and (2) Non-member public volunteers. Click below to read more about the two types of volunteers.

Member VolunteerMember Volunteer: consists of the members of Vaughan Chapter needed to continue running our eight mandated programs which are the member programs. National PVA wants to see more member involvement and participation in your chapter. As you know there are many areas and many things you can do no matter your disability to earn volunteer hours necessary to participate free of charge at planned events These hours are accumulated monthly and you may use them to attend an event or outing that requires funding sponsorship – but only if you have the necessary hours on file so that the Vaughan Chapter can fund your request. Getting involved and volunteering for the chapter not only benefits the chapter but it also benefits you as a member, athlete and participant.

These are many areas which you can volunteer at and start earning hours and helping the chapter move forward. Attend a membership meeting (beginning to end), Chapter representation at any community outreach functions, Memorial Day Parade, Office clerical when needed, Awareness month, Serve on a local committee VFW, American Legion, City, County or State, Represent the chapter at an activity (pre-approved), Volunteer to work at a chapter event six hours or more (non-participant), Sign up a voting member, Sell candy, Serve on a local event committee, Write an article for the newsletter, Serve on a chapter committee, Mailing preparation at chapter office.

Public VolunteerVaughan Chapter welcomes anyone that wishes to volunteer in our various outings and events that we have throughout the year. We are always in need of able bodies to help us in different areas such as loading, unloading, setting up, serving, cleaning, feeding, decorating and even driving our chapter bus. If you are a student or an individual that is in need of community service hours; this is the place for you to volunteer. If you are a person that wants to donate your time, talents, care, love to our spinal cord injury veterans you are very welcome to assist us in the office or at any functions. Please contact us at (708) 947-9790 so that we may mail you a Volunteer Registration Form.  Thank you in advance for your willingness to give back to the veterans who sacrificed their all for our country

How To Earn Volunteer Hours

Vaughan PVA regularly seeks volunteers at events including:

  • Fishing Tournaments
  • Bowling Tournament
  • Annual Picnic
  • Veterans Games
  • Trap Shooting
  • Holiday Parties
  • & more!

Volunteering FAQs at Vaughan PVA

What counts as a volunteer hour at Vaughan PVA?

A volunteer hour is an hour of an individual’s time during which he or she represented the Vaughan PVA chapter or National PVA in the performance of a job, or by attendance at a meeting or event. The time counted is the time actually spent in the accomplishment of the mission. Reasonable time for travel to and from the location will also be allowed.

Note: Volunteer time is time given by a volunteer who does NOT receive wages (a stipend) from any organization, agency, or company for services provided for that time. Time spent PARTICIPATING in recreational events, (i.e., National Veterans Wheelchair Games, Trap Shoots, Bass Tournaments or other sporting events) will NOT count as volunteer hours. However, the time spent in the organization and supervision of such events may be counted.

Reminder: Each volunteer hour has to be reported on a volunteer's time sheet, program code and description needs to be use accordingly.

Where can I get and how do I submit a volunteer activity form?

Volunteer Activity Forms for new volunteers to sign up are available at the office as well as Volunteer Time Sheets for members to submit no later than the 10th of each month.

  • Submit by E-mail: Submit by email to
  • Submit by Fax: (708) 947-9755.
  • Submity by Mail: Mail your form to: Vaughan PVA, 2235 Enterprise Drive Suite 3501, Westchester, IL 60154.

Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns about volunteering at Vaughan PVA?

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at 1-800-727-2234.

Vaughan Chapter, PVA

Vaughan PVA Volunteers

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2225 Enterprise Drive Suite 2502, Westchester, IL 60154


(708) 947-9790

Office Hours

Mon - Tue: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Thu - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Copyright © 2025 Paralyzed Veterans of America - Vaughan Chapter. All Rights Reserved