Vaughan PVA - Serving paralyzed veterans of Illinois

Do you shop on Amazon? You can help support our paralyzed and disabled veterans who have served and sacrificed each time you make a purchase on Amazon. You can help these men and women regain their independence at no additional cost to you. Choose Paralyzed Veterans of America, Vaughan Chapter as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile and .5% of the price of your eligible purchases will go toward improving the life of a veteran suffering from spinal cord injury or disease.

What is AmazonSmile?

AmazonSmile allows you to enjoy the same convenient shopping features as However, when you shop via AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to Vaughan Paralyzed Veterans of America.

How does AmazonSmile work?

When first visiting AmazonSmile, you’ll be prompted to select a charitable organization. This is where you select Paralyzed Veterans of America, Vaughan Chapter. You can get started by clicking here.

I have already put items in my shopping cart but forgot to use AmazonSmile. Is it too late for Vaughan Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America to get the donation?

It’s not too late! If you are mid-purchase and realize that you aren’t using AmazonSmile, just type in It will switch to AmazonSmile and still keep the items in your shopping cart and allow you to donate to Vaughan PVA.

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2225 Enterprise Drive Suite 2502, Westchester, IL 60154


(708) 947-9790

Office Hours

Mon - Tue: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Thu - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Copyright © 2025 Paralyzed Veterans of America - Vaughan Chapter. All Rights Reserved